Featured Tellers, Main Show, Podcasts

September Recap and Walk-Up Winner!

**Hi there! We’ve got a new format for our audio recording. Take a listen and see what you think! The music used in the intro and outro is the song Feel Good by Broke for Free from the album Petal. The song is posted on the Free Music Archive under a Creative Commons Music Sharing License. Broke for Free also has a ton of other great stuff there, as do lots of other fine musicians!

In the future, each audio will feature a pre-show-recorded intro including the names of all features and each month’s co-host. Since we didn’t capture that this month, here they are for your reference: Visiting co-host Deanna Moffitt, regular host Janna Sobel, featured storytellers: Jack Thurston Farrell, Marty McConnell, Kevin D’Ambrosio, Abraham Mellish, walk-up storytellers: Rachael Swann, Owen Kalt, Kelli Honeysweet, David (?), and walk-up winner Clay Neigher**

HC_SEPT_2014-5Thanks to all for making a beautiful night. September’s show featured a potent collection of stories that hung in the air as sweet and heavy as the last flowers of the summer. Perhaps expectedly, given the news of recent losses near by and far away, there were some stories of grieving and loss… depression and struggle… and the gentleness and determination it took to move through and out of those hard times. There was generosity in the sharing of these things, as much as there was generosity in the moments of raucous laughter. There were also some hope-affirming stories of winning in the end… whether it was a life-changing ping-pong match, or true love.

Your audience favorite teller of the night was Clay Neigher. All of our walk-up tellers were given high marks, but Clay was your clear favorite. His story was relatable, heartbreaking, funny and triumphant, and it brought the house down. We are very excited that he has agreed to return to feature for you in October.

Thank you all for coming out. These late summer days have held some heartbreak in Chicago’s creative communities. I am hopeful that we will somehow to let the passing of these good and inspiring people remind us to cherish and treat each other well while we are here.

Please enjoy Matthew Williamson‘s photos from the evening. They are lovely as always. He sees strength and beauty in y’all, and I like that. Check back in the next few days for the podcast. It should be up soon.























































































Thanks to our storytellers Marty McConnell, Jack Thurston Farrell, Abraham Mellish, Kevin D’Ambrosio, Owen Kalt, Rachel Swan, Clay Neighor, Kelli Honeysweet and David (we need your last name!). You made a wonderful night of honest theater. Thanks to anyone who prepared and brought a dish for the potluck, and to all who paid $8 to help us pay to give you all a dignified stage. Thanks to Mary Cait Walthall, Molly Emmons, Wolfgang Stein, Javier, Christie Grace and Andi Nelson for helping set up and break down. Thanks to Deanna Moffitt for co-hosting the evening with style and pizazz!

Please share Here, Chicago with your friends. Invite them to take part. There isn’t a lot to do these days that involves knowing and enjoying a large, diverse group of people. We strive to make this show a place where people with different talents, politics, social circles, backgrounds and stories can be together and delight in each other’s company. Help us make that happen. There were 20 empty seats in the theater on Sept 7th…. let’s fill them next time. For us that’s not about money– the show is FREE with a prepared dish for the potluck. It’s about wanting to share this very good thing; the more the merrier.


Here, Chicago on October 5th
Stage 773, 1225 W. Belmont
7:30 potluck, 8pm show

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