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Winter Show Recap & Walk-Up Winner!

I said it in September, but it is true again. Last night’s show was one of the best I can remember. The stories were beautiful, powerful, funny, humble, clear. Sometimes at the end of Here, Chicago, from the stage I’ll invite people to reflect on the themes that presented themselves through the night. At this show, we don’t dictate theme ahead of time because it’s great to discover the themes that emerge naturally when a group of relative strangers are invited to select their stories intuitively, and without submitting their work in advance. The themes that emerge that way are often more coherent, and always more beautiful and powerful than anything that might have been predetermined.

Last night, there was a lot about acceptance. Finding freedom and grace outside of difficulties that have plagued us, or… inside of them. Squarely facing the thing inside us, or the circumstance around us, that’s being trouble, and kind of getting free of it by accepting it. Finding beauty exactly where we are. Whether that’s watching the stars on the roof of a van that’s run out of gas by the side of a freeway, or in a mental hospital, or living through the existential crisis of a panic attack, or inside of our own shame, or in the turmoil of a family conflict, or in the fear of what others will think of us… this theme of accepting life (ourselves/others/the situation) as it is, and then finding a kind of peace-giving, liberating gratitude, was pervasive and beautiful. 

If it sounds heavy, it wasn’t. It was so light, and there was so much laughing. I don’t think I’ve ever seen storytellers handle emotionally serious material with such plain, relaxed disclosure. It was really inspiring to me.

As always, our audience was warm and kind and energetic, and people brought beautiful, bountiful gifts of food. Their creations were just as nourishing as the stories were. There was a lot of love, generosity, and welcome in the room. In that way that you might wish more of the world would be. It was a very good way to close a decade. 

Thank you all who were part of the night. Thanks to our storytellers Nisha Mehta, Wendi Nelson, Myron Laban, Matt Fleming, Anthony Vasquez, Rae Reed, Louis Smith, Norm Linde, Ben Rosset & Melissa. All of you are rock stars. Deep thanks to the audience who shared your warm and rapt attention, and to those who brought delicious dishes to share! Heartfelt thanks to Wendy Schmidt who ran the box office, Lin Zhu and Ming Gao who house managed (and won Cutest Couple of the Night award for standing on stage holding hands and beaming out at the swirl after heroically breaking down the entire potluck table situation), Eric Stassen who shot and donated the gorgeous photos below, Matt Fleming who ran sound and puts together the podcast, and Carly Oishi who cohosted with me. This would not have happened without you. Thank you. :)

The Audience Favorite walk-up teller of the night was Melissa!! Melissa, you are the only walk-up teller who we didn’t get your last name! But don’t you worry… we know how to find you. :) Thank you for your gorgeous story. We hope that you will join us as a Featured Storyteller for the very first show of 2020. 

Please enjoy Eric Stassen’s lovely work. If you’d like to see more of it, I HIGHLY recommend visiting his new photography website. It is breathtaking!

































































































See you in the spring. <3 

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