Main Show, Stories

Here Chicago Returns in Spring of 2019

Happy Winter, Here Chicagoans! As you may know, the Here Chicago Story Show & Potluck occurs as a quarterly event. We host a new show every season, which means we are due a winter installment in 2018! Unfortunately, our favorite performance venue was packed for the holidays, and we were unable to secure a December weekend. 

We love Stage 773 for so many reasons! They believe in and support the magic of this project. So much so that they trust us to SERVE DINNER in their theaters, they make it possible to give most of our tickets away for FREE, and they’ve found us beautiful stages every season for the last 7 years. So, we are giving this one a healthy shrug and looking forward to our next installment with them in Spring of 2019. (Wait… twenty-nineteen?!) 

In the absence of a winter show, we wave hello. Our love for this vital, diverse, powerful community of Chicago thinkers, creators, lovers and fighters abides, and we are still Here. We look forward to providing you with more opportunities chances to gather, feed each other, listen, provoke, inspire, delight in our similarities, and learn from our differences in 2019.

About Janna

Janna Sobel is a writer, performer, theater director, and a 17 year teacher of Storytelling & Performance. Janna teaches at the Second City Training Center, Chicago Dramatists, Stage 773, The University of Chicago Lab School, and coaches privately. She is Here Chicago's founder, producer and co-host. Learn more about her work at and

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