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September Recap and Walk-Up Winner!

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September’s show was lovely. Big thanks to all of our storytellers, to the generous, talented chefs who brought delicious food, and to everyone who came to listen and make something unique and beautiful together. Storytellers Vijay Bhargava, Karen Clanton, Dan Dean, Joe Chacon, Jackson Cusick, Frederick Nitsch, Beth Seaton, Catherine Napper and Gordon Dymowski told revealing and moving stories. It was a joy and an honor to work with Ana Diaz as co-host (check out #ThePortMinistries on Facebook for details on the chapbook and mural that Ana’s organization, Toltecas Checagou, are creating in collaboration with The Port Ministries, based on stories told by youth in Chicago’s south side!), and a pleasure to produce the show with Matt Fleming on sound, Elizabeth Moriarty running box, with Sam Welch, Andi Pearl and Joan Pearl overseeing the potluck set up and breakdown, and Mary Ellen Stitt jumping in to help us wrap up! Everyone who came made the night. It was a joy to be in the room with so many kind, interesting people, and we hope that you made some new friends.

As you may know, the walk-up portion of our show is a Slam, with the prize being an invitation to return as a featured storyteller at the next show. Last night’s audience chose Catherine Napper as their favorite teller, and we are honored and delighted to say that she will be returning to join us next time. Congratulations, Rubik’s Cube!

Alize Jireh Yacino was our photographer this month. Having shared her voice with us on multiple occasions, through story and through song, last night she donated her photography to the show, and we are so grateful. See more of her work here: alizejireh.com, enjoy her work below, and then please go hire her to shoot your event because she’s wonderful. :)

Thank you for sharing your stories, your food, your attention and your joy. We had a wonderful time, and hope that you did, too. We look forward to seeing you next time, and our next show dates will be posted here soon.

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