Featured Tellers, Main Show, Stories

March Winner and Show Recap!

 ????????We apologize for testing your love for Here’s the Story by competing with every single Important Pop-Culture Event, weather disaster, and day-after-a-national-holiday in the past 6 months. We have not done it on purpose! For those of you who’ve turned up anyway, many thanks for walking through this winter with us. For those who had to miss first Sundays, photos and podcasts abound, and we look forward to seeing you in the coming months! It looks like the political/social/cultural coast is clear on 1st Sundays for a little while (phew!), and like the weather may even cooperate (…unless of course this turns out to be the beginning of the endless winter of the centuries-foretold Viking Apocalypse.)

Last night’s show was very interesting. Ranjit Souri, JH Palmer, Nico Lang, Carly Oishi, Andi Nelson, Owen Kalt, Ben Wegner, Tim Witting, Nate Card and Lindsay Muscato told potent stories. As you may know, Here’s the Story doesn’t pre-determine theme, but elegant ones often arise. Themes from tonight’s show revolved around emergence and perseverance: survival of difficult things, unexpected gifts of struggle, and staying the course to come out on the other side. The show was moving and funny and hope-giving. There were stories about magical typewriters, fires and ferrets, naked squinting, family patterns changing, and being given life a second time. All eminently relatable. 

Tim Witting was your Audience Favorite from last night, and it was a close race! As usual, we were lucky to have very talented storytellers with us. Tim has been so kind to agree to return as a feature next month. We can’t wait. 

Please enjoy Matthew Williamson’s photos from the night, and check back in the next few days for our podcast. Every one of the great stories will be there.
























































































Many thanks to all who brought delicious dishes to share. (Our potluck page has fallen a little bit behind, but it will be current again shortly. Your recipes are safe, and shall be posted soon!) And thanks to Brandie Madrid and Molly Emmons for making things possible on show night. I owe them my heart.

Love, and looking forward to seeing you on April 6th,

Here’s the Story
April 6th
Stage 773, 1225 W. Belmont
7:30 potluck / 8pm show
Tickets here

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